x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
September 29, 2018
Koszalin, Zachodniopomorskie

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Filharmonia Koszalińska im. Stanisława Moniuszki
Piastowska 2
Koszalin, Zachodniopomorskie, 75-400
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Koszalin events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Agnieszka Maciejowska

Co-founder and Member of the Management Board of Evenea.pl - a system of registering participants and selling tickets online for events that was awarded the Auler statuette in 2011. To May 2018, the advisor of President Robert Biedroń for New Technologies. Previously, she built and managed the Polish edition of the world's largest accelerator from the Silicon Valley - Founder Institute. Co-organizer of IT LubCamp, Aula Polska Lublin and Startup Weekend Lublin meetings. Ambassador of the Gdańsk Entrepreneurship Incubator Starter and laureate of the Central European Startup Award for the Most Influential Woman in Startups in Poland. Expert and juror at The Venture (Chivas Regal Polska), in which she is looking for socially engaged startups. He cooperates with, among others, Poland Press, Lublin Science and Technology Park, PwC Poland and Deloitte.

Bartosz Majewski

CEO / founder of a company that supports B2B companies in marketing and sales Casbeg. Previously, co-founder and director of sales at Righthello where for over 3.5 years, his team acquired over 1,000 clients from 41 countries. Before the start of a managerial career, the value of his transactions exceeded PLN 20 million. As a consultant, he worked with the fastest growing startups and companies in Poland, including Droids on Roids, Neoteric, Callpage, Pixers, Sotrender, Yieldbird, MerixStudio or Telemedi.co.

Honorata Hafke-Dys

Asks difficult questions and looks for solutions. The resultant of her actions was the creation of StethoMe - an intelligent stethoscope intended for parents. As the initiator and co-founder of the startup, StethoMe is approaching every day with the goal set - to facilitate everyday life for parents of ill children. Is a type of interdisciplinary person who is looking for a connection between different - sometimes extreme - fields of science. She graduated in optics and then acoustics. At the moment he is working at the Institute of Acoustics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań as a doctor in the field of biophysics. He has several dozen scientific publications and conference presentations. Privately, Heli and Herbie's mother, hip-hop dances, has three cats and always too many ideas.

Kamil Stawiarski

Geek, specializing in performance optimization, low-level profiling and security of Oracle databases. Founder and co-owner of the ORA-600 Database Whisperers and leader of the Polish Oracle Users Group, widely known as the "Brewery with the Oracle". The winner of the Oracle ACE title in the "Database Management & Performance" category. The second Pole who was invited to the elite international group Oracle OakTable, associating about 100 best specialists in this industry in the world. Privately a photography amateur and a big fan of Terry Pratchett: "Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom. "

Krzysztof Kotkowicz

IT specialist
I quit high school in class III because I felt that I was not learning anything new. I never went back there. For some time I worked as an IT consultant, graphic designer and Linux administrator, and at the age of 18 I started to counterfeit cards for TPSA machines. Shortly thereafter, I was sent to prison for fraud and hacking, and subsequent years were interwoven with arrests, penal institutions and freedom. I spent 4 and a half years behind the bars. I have been at liberty for 8 years, at that time I managed to work as a freelancer, go to a full-time startup, set up a company dealing with server administration, run a blog, among others about life in prison, visit 48 schools and libraries all over Poland and tell the kids that working in IT is fun, get married in South Korea, go to 10 countries outside Europe, find the ranking of the most influential bloggers, divorce, stop writing blog and start a new, happy relationship. I now add TEDx to this list.

Magdalena Urbaniak

BrandManager at Brand24. Working with the best experts from around the world, he increases his knowledge and trust in the brand. Public relations specialist. Co-founder of the Marketing Inspire project. She conducted classes in the field of communication at the School of Economics, University of Lower Silesia and the School of Banking in Wrocław. One of the creators of the Content Espresso project taking place regularly in Warsaw. Quora Top Writer 2017 and 2018. Host of the BrandTalks podcast. He runs a blog about tractormania.pl agricultural tractors and about magdaurbaniak.com marketing.

Mikołaj Weiss

Is 16 years old. He can boast of a lot of sports, hobbies and activities that he has tried. He loves to travel, especially in exotics, and on vacation he hates sitting on the beach. In addition to curiosity, he is interdisciplinary. He has been playing the piano for 10 years. Formerly an avid football player and player, today a virtual pilot, but above all a person constantly learning. It is in science that he has the most experience. He is a pupil of the 33rd Bilingual Center named after them. Nicholas Copernicus in Warsaw. He completed two summer programs at Oxford Royale Academy in Oxford and Cambridge. He was the youngest participant in the Dell Technologies World 2018 conference in Las Vegas. He is studying all over the world for a whole year and is not limited to a standard basket of school items. He is in contact with other cultures on the agenda. Passionate about socio-economic sciences. In the future, he sees himself at Stanford, then as an entrepreneur.

Natalia Cyran

Improvisator, trainer and storyteller. A graduate of the theatrical high school no. XVII in Wrocław and the Wrocław Academy of Improvisation, frequent guest on theatrical and improvisational courses. During the workshops with the acting workshop, which he guides, he puts on fun, which turns out to be a great science. He likes when people abandon their fear of judgment and allow themselves to be themselves, here and now. I regularly play improvised performances in Wroclaw, to which you are invited. She prepared people related to the banking industry (Blue Media) and e-commerce (iluve) for speeches. She wrote narratives for presentations for startups (Forum Rozwoju Mazowsza) and large corporations (Eurocash, Canal +, Euro RTV AGD). Complaints were not submitted.

Piotr Zielonka

dr hab. Piotr Zielonka, associate professor at the Department of Econophysics of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Lecturer at the University of Donja Gorica in Montenegro. He conducts research in the field of behavioral economics, risk psychology and investment psychology. He dealt with experimental brain physiology at the Center for Experimental and Clinical Medicine at the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has published many scientific articles in such magazines as: "Resuscitation", "The Journal of Behavioral Finance", "Thinking & Reasoning", and "Journal of Cognitive Psychology". He wrote a book called "The Exchange and Psychology", which so far appeared in four editions. Currently, he deals with the issue of discounting deferred and uncertain payments. He is a co-founder and head of the postgraduate program "Business Psychology for Managers" at the Kozminski University in Warsaw. He works with Bucknell University and the University of Idaho in the USA.

Zuzanna Gąsiewska

A bachelor with many years of experience, creator of the image, founder of the Manuka Communication agency, a triathlete. Years of work for various brands (including Ferrari, PZU and Asseco) and agencies have allowed her to explore the world of PR and marketing, get to know him from the inside. However, this return to practicing sport has become a turning point in a professional way. It allowed to get a new perspective and look at communication activities and building the brand from the point of view of an active player. As a consequence, the desire to support athletes in the process of creating their personal brands, creating the image of sports disciplines and connecting business with sport was born. Driven by passion for sport and inborn perseverance, he develops the agency of effective communication of sport and business - Manuka Communication.

Organizing team


Koszalin, Poland