x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Hacking Life

This event occurred on
December 5, 2015
Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional (Santo Domingo)
Dominican Republic

Dentro de cada sociedad hay individuos que buscan ‘otro camino’ para alcanzar metas. Rebajan, pero no hacen dieta. Ganan dinero, pero no tiene un trabajo de 8 a 5. Tocan un instrumento de música a la perfección, pero no han estudiado música. Tienen otros lentes para ver la realidad. Estos son los ‘hackers’.

Si te pones sus ‘lentes’ podrás ver lo que de otro modo jamás habrías descubierto. Esta ‘tribu’ dentro de la sociedad, ayuda a que otros descubran ‘nuevos caminos’ para lograr avances en distintas áreas del vivir común. Sin ellos la sociedad estaría estancada. Dormida. Sistemática y aburrida.

TEDxSantodomingo este año tiene como lema Hacking life. Será una reunión de hackers de distintas disciplinas. En ella compartiremos ‘secretos’ para romper esquemas.

Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña
Cesar Nicolás Penson 91
Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional (Santo Domingo), 20711
Dominican Republic
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Anya Damirón

Anya soñaba con escribir cuentos. Anya hizo realidad su sueño y publicó 13 cuentos. Pero mientras escribía su cuento número 14, sobre niños con discapacidad su realidad se volvió pesadilla. Diagnosticada con una malformación cerebral que la dejó inhabilitada y sometida a varias cirugías cerebrales, la llevó a vivir en carne propia lo que su cuento contaba: el como hay una increíble capacidad en los niños con discapacidad.

Charlie Hoehn

Anxiety Hacker
If you've never Googled the phrase "cure anxiety," then you might not know that the #1 result in the world was written by Charlie Hoehn. Millions of people have read his articles on mental wellness, and his bestselling book 'Play It Away: A Workaholic's Cure for Anxiety' was called "The cure to your stress!" by Tony Robbins. Charlie has keynoted at military bases around the U.S., including the Pentagon, on how to prevent soldiers from committing suicide. Previously, he worked for three years with the author of The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss. Charlie helped edit and launch The 4-Hour Body, which hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and sold millions of copies. Charlie‘s work has been featured on NPR, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and many others.

Chris Corcino

Technology Minimalist
Young engineer and entrepreneur who believes in the 'Programming as a second language', has already implemented this plan in Santo Domingo Savio school of Jarabacoa. Chris is convinced that education needs a refocusing towards digitization and automation of the economy thus creating a healthy balance between humanistic and technological. He founded the CIC (Cincinnatus Institute of craftmanship) an institution that formalizes the training of students who are graduating from different computer careers. Chris has also initiated a pilot project of Inclusive Programming with the Foundation Autism en Marcha to provide tools and knowledge about the basics of programming to youth diagnosed with Autism.

David Simpson

Science Fiction Writer
David Simpson is the best-selling novelist of the Post-Human series, a Kindle All-Star and has been ranked the most popular scifi Author in America by He has filmed a short proof-of-concept based on his series, is an award-winning teacher and holds a Master’s degree in literature from the University of British Columbia. David is a full example of believing in the story in your head and getting it published. He is been part of the story-telling business since his twenties. He went out of the 'Book Industry Professionals ways' and took the risk of not hearing the voice of those 'who knew' about scifi books. Now he is living his dream of been a full time scifi author and maybe he can help us dream into the realms of a Post-Human not so far future.

Edgar Molina

Percussionist Imagineer
Edgar is a percussionist beyond drums, loves to mix and blend sound elements. It has a Jazz and electronic music project called ATRONIK ROOM (Afro-Brazilian music with flamenco rhythms fused with jazz). He is committed to the infinity of music, especially jazz, blending musical styles like funk, electronic, and world music. He likes to tell stories with sounds.

Grace Rodriguez

Forging a path from neuroscience and design to branding, from government and politics to social entrepreneurship, and from community organizing and coworking to venture capital and STEAM acceleration, Grace has earned hands-on expertise in conference and event development, leadership and team optimization, business and social innovation, and design thinking and lean startup processes. Grace was selected as one of Google’s original Glass Explorers for her proposal on bridging the “Digital Divide.” Grace is a founding member of the Mayor’s Innovation & Technology Advisory Board for the City of Houston, and an Advisor for the Texas Medical Center Accelerator (TMC|X) and Houston Independent School District’s Innovation Curriculum. She serves Houston’s creative+tech community as co-founder of: Women In Tech: Houston, C2 Create, COHouston, TEDxYouth/TEDxHouston. Grace has also served numerous nonprofit organizations and social justice initiatives as a board member and volunteer.

Jesús García

Sustainability Rebel
Since his childhood he has done whatever he wants. Now an adult, still doing what he wants, but now he is conscious about it. A rebel with a cause and effect. He has decided to leave "the city life" with all its attractions to have an organic self-sustaining living. To make such a decision he should be not only a rebel with a cause but to live 'pass and through' the system his rebellion must also be effective. Tuti has been an advertisement agent, filmmaker and TV producer. Now he has shown he true self: Rebel with a cause. He recognises that to have a cause for a rebellion it is the antidote conquer fear. 'You can never jump without awareness!" says Tuti. He is an advocate of sustainability and a rebellious life. He states there is no sustainability without rebellion and without it there is no creativity. No life nor business.

Jose Luis Munné

Mountain Runner
At the age of thirteen while watching the New York Marathon on TV he was convinced that no matter who you are, you can win getting to the end. What he never imagined is that the goal were many more kilometers, this marathon was only the inspiration. Jose Luis pretends not to be a super-gifted athlete, but he has something a lot athletes wish to have. It is his main attitude: not to accept the 'CAN NOT' and wanting to know how far you can go. This led him to achieve more every time. JFK 50 miles Bandera 100 km, and Cerdanya La Volta 125 km among others have been experiences where his physical training have not been all that's required to reach the goal. This hunger to discover how much and how to achieve more is the main motivation to continue looking for new and more demanding challenges.

José María Cabral

Con apenas 27 años, José María cuenta ya con media docena de filmes en su historial de producción. Desde comedia a suspenso y hasta ciencia ficción. A José María le gusta experimentar y considera que todavía le falta mucho por aprender, por crear, dirigir y producir. Ve sus obras anteriores como etapas de aprendizaje, lecciones superadas, pasos en el camino hacia futuras obras de calidad e impacto, tan divertidas y satisfactorias para el público como para su propio autor.

Joshua Mantz

Behavioral Health Disruptor
He is a keynote speaker, storyteller, and change leader. He’s driven counter-insurgency operations in Baghdad, influenced change across the behavioral health field in the United States, and worked for one of the hottest companies in the world. He’s a licensed private pilot, CrossFit trainer, and scuba diver. He believes in the importance of perspective-taking, and is passionate about leveraging partnerships to solve complex social challenges. Josh continues to utilize his life experiences to advance the concept of moral injury. He was severely wounded in combat in 2007, lives with an incurable immune disorder, and has repeatedly excelled in a life filled with emotional extremes. He credits his success to the people that surrounded him, and believes that the power of human connection is capable of overcoming our darkest moments. His purpose is to disrupt and revolutionize the behavioral health field, and spark a paradigm shift in the way we approach healing.

Maria Batlle

Revolutionary Deaf Educator
Maria Batlle is a self-taught film maker, sculptor, painter, music producer, creative director and teaching artist; Maria brings in a strong mix of arts and business from her background as a visual artist and as the Creative Director for MasterCard in the Caribbean. Her latest initiative “Whale MuseSeek” -a project that opened up the world of live whale music to Deaf children- was described as a “brilliant initiative for Deaf children” by Forbes magazine and as a “revolution in education” by the Dominican Minister of Culture. The two most widely read newspaper in Spanish language in the United States -El Diario de NY and La Opinión de Los Angeles- described her as “a hurricane called Maria is revolutionizing education for the Deaf in the DR and soon the world”.

Nelson Bruno

Physician Scientist
In his laboratory, at The Scripps Research Institute in West Palm Beach Florida, Nelson and his colleagues are hard working at deciphering the code by which the stress induce by physical activity is converted in to Muscle adaptations that drive human health. They now have new and insightful ideas to help us understand how the body controls body weight and why is so difficult to lose it! Nelson’s work is focus on the autonomic nerve system and how this system integrates the level of cardiovascular or nutritional stress to muscular contraction to activate genes that reprogram organ function. He has uncovered the functions of a new family of transcriptional regulators that may lead some day to an exercise in a pill?

Rafael De Los Santos

Rafael de Los Santos, mejor conocido como Poteleche, se ha hecho un nombre en la cultura creativa de República Dominicana, por más de 25 años, 15 de ellos en el campo de publicidad y mercadeo. Pero más allá de su carrera profesional como director creativo en Young & Rubicam y luego con su propia agencia creativa Poteleche es conocido como autor de caricaturas divertidas sobre temas sociales que divulga a través del internet.

Sarah Miranda

Por varios años, los Jóvenes de Acción Poética Santo Domingo han llenado la ciudad con paredes blancas y citas de poetas de renombre para refrescar y hacer más humano y agradable el entorno urbano.

Yolanda León

Biologist Activist
She is a researcher biologist expert in biodiversity, one of the defenders of the dominican ecosystem in national parks. Yolanda is one of the few people against the 'clones reforestation' (which is planting trees in unattended areas in the hope that will restore the biodiversity of an ecosystem). In addition to stating that it is useless to reforest without protecting the forests that remain. Works in the Jaragua Group, an institution that contributes to the sustainable management of the dominican biodiversity. She teaches at INTEC and UASD universities. It is for the development of our country when is without ‘bullying’ nature nor the sociological reality of the Dominican Republic.

Organizing team

Freddy Arturo

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Miranda Levy

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  • Gina Giudicelli
  • Javier Freites Capitán
  • Miguel Mercado